Yachtmaster Ocean Theory Course
A course in astro navigation, worldwide meteorology and passage planning, which also unravels the mysteries of the sextant.
Price: 500 EUR
Required experience: Navigation to Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased standard.
Minimum duration
40 hours plus exam time.
Minimum age
The earth and the celestial sphere; Practical guide to use and care of sextant at sea; Meridian altitudes; Sun, star and other sights, ocean passage planning.
Certificate issuing criteria
Background knowledge to skipper a yacht on ocean passages.
This is a shorebased course that can be taken in the classroom or online by Zoom.
When you book the course, you will receive a course pack which includes the required student training material and certificate for the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean course.
One YMO pack comes in two separate shrink wrapped parts:
Core Part :
-RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased Notes (pack version)
-Exercises and Course Information booklet
-Nautical Almanac Extracts
-Sight Reduction Tables
Assessment Part:
-Ocean question paper
-RYA course completion certificate
The students who wish to take the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Exam, you can find all the information about this exam here.