Un an de record!
Alta acum: https://www.g4media.ro/noua-romani-salv ... atena.html
Nouă români au fost salvaţi după ce un velier sub pavilion grec s-a scufundat joi, la 1,9 mile marine vest de Insula Poros, la sud de Atena, relatează Ekathimerini.
Cei nouă români erau nevătămați, scrie ziarul.
Ei au fost salvaţi de către o navă care se afla în apropiere şi au fost transportaţi în portul Poros.
Cauzele accidentului erau neclare.
Viteza vântului în zonă atingea 4-5 pe scara Beaufort.
Care stii detalii?
- skipper
- Flottillenadmiral
- Mesaje: 2580
- Membru din: Mar Apr 19, 2011 7:35 pm
- Localitate: Bucuresti
- Contact:
Re: Accidente
Ubi allii finiverant, inde incipimus nos!
- skipper
- Flottillenadmiral
- Mesaje: 2580
- Membru din: Mar Apr 19, 2011 7:35 pm
- Localitate: Bucuresti
- Contact:
MiniTransta pus pe stanci
Se poate sa pui barca pe stanci si la case mai mari!
Ieri o barca de MiniTransat - Black Mamba s-a pus pe stanci la Ribabeo, Spania in golful Biscaia.
Skipperul Georges Kick e ok.
De remarcat ca e cu focul de furtuna!
Ieri o barca de MiniTransat - Black Mamba s-a pus pe stanci la Ribabeo, Spania in golful Biscaia.
Skipperul Georges Kick e ok.
De remarcat ca e cu focul de furtuna!
Nu aveţi permisiunea de a vizualiza fişierele ataşate acestui mesaj.
Ubi allii finiverant, inde incipimus nos!
- skipper
- Flottillenadmiral
- Mesaje: 2580
- Membru din: Mar Apr 19, 2011 7:35 pm
- Localitate: Bucuresti
- Contact:
Re: Accidente
Relatarea skipperului de pe barca scufundata acum o saptamana:
Mihai Epure Sailing Turtle
Unfortunately, during our sailing trip in Greece last week, we experienced a marine accident that resulted in the boat sinking. All nine passengers are in good health and arrived to Romania safely.
The event took place on the 30’th of September 2021 at 12:30, 2nm E of Poros Island. The boat that we chartered was a Dufour 530, a 2020 model in it`s first season of charter. In the 5`th day of the trip we left Hydra in the morning towards our destination, Sounion. The sailing conditions were very good, with Beaufort 5 winds, dropping to 4 later and wave height of 0.8 to 1.2m. After sailing for two hours, we decided to change the destination to Aegina and to continue under engine.
After 45 minutes, at 12:30, I heard a sudden change in the engine sound. I went inside to check and I observed 20 cm of water inside the saloon. The water was going up but I was not able to identify the source. I informed the crew that we will abandon ship and I made the first mayday call. We put the lifejackets on and we deployed the life rafts, dinghy and kayak. I made the second mayday call and I activated the distress button on the VHF and we abandoned the vessel taking with us the EPIRB and boat documents. At 12:44 the sailing yacht Christianna XI sunk completely.
Meanwhile, the first rescue boat arrived and the captain Nikolaos Diakatos and first mate Thanasis Tsakos helped us to board into their motor yacht. Captain Nikolaos proceeded towards Poros harbor where we arrived shortly and in good shape.
At this time the causes of the incident are unknown. I suspect a mechanical or engineering failure that I cannot prove or identify. Hopefully, the investigation that is taking place will shed light over this accident so that future measures can be taken to make sure this will never happen again.
I express my gratitude to the crew members of which I am very proud. By keeping calm, we managed to follow the procedure efficiently and to abandon the yacht safely. I show appreciation to the Greek authorities for responding quickly, Christianna Yachts for the support and the Romanian embassy in Greece for assistance.
Nikolaos Diakatos and Thanasis Tsakos, I thank you both for responding quickly and for your seamanship. I am grateful for your kindness.
Mihail Lazar Epure
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean
Mihai Epure Sailing Turtle
Unfortunately, during our sailing trip in Greece last week, we experienced a marine accident that resulted in the boat sinking. All nine passengers are in good health and arrived to Romania safely.
The event took place on the 30’th of September 2021 at 12:30, 2nm E of Poros Island. The boat that we chartered was a Dufour 530, a 2020 model in it`s first season of charter. In the 5`th day of the trip we left Hydra in the morning towards our destination, Sounion. The sailing conditions were very good, with Beaufort 5 winds, dropping to 4 later and wave height of 0.8 to 1.2m. After sailing for two hours, we decided to change the destination to Aegina and to continue under engine.
After 45 minutes, at 12:30, I heard a sudden change in the engine sound. I went inside to check and I observed 20 cm of water inside the saloon. The water was going up but I was not able to identify the source. I informed the crew that we will abandon ship and I made the first mayday call. We put the lifejackets on and we deployed the life rafts, dinghy and kayak. I made the second mayday call and I activated the distress button on the VHF and we abandoned the vessel taking with us the EPIRB and boat documents. At 12:44 the sailing yacht Christianna XI sunk completely.
Meanwhile, the first rescue boat arrived and the captain Nikolaos Diakatos and first mate Thanasis Tsakos helped us to board into their motor yacht. Captain Nikolaos proceeded towards Poros harbor where we arrived shortly and in good shape.
At this time the causes of the incident are unknown. I suspect a mechanical or engineering failure that I cannot prove or identify. Hopefully, the investigation that is taking place will shed light over this accident so that future measures can be taken to make sure this will never happen again.
I express my gratitude to the crew members of which I am very proud. By keeping calm, we managed to follow the procedure efficiently and to abandon the yacht safely. I show appreciation to the Greek authorities for responding quickly, Christianna Yachts for the support and the Romanian embassy in Greece for assistance.
Nikolaos Diakatos and Thanasis Tsakos, I thank you both for responding quickly and for your seamanship. I am grateful for your kindness.
Mihail Lazar Epure
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean
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